Cuban treefrog with pastelitos de guayaba (acrylic painting, art print, vinyl sticker)
Cuban treefrog with pastelitos de guayaba (acrylic painting, art print, vinyl sticker)
from $4.00
Cuban treefrog with pastelitos de guayaba is available as 24” painting, 12” prints, 8” prints, and 3” vinyl stickers. Cuban treefrogs [Osteopilus septentrionalis] are an invasive species that were first recorded in the 1920s in the Florida Keys via plant shipments and are now the largest species of treefrog in Florida. They spread around Florida via motorized vehicles and plant distribution. Cuban treefrogs have larger toepads and wartier skin than native treefrogs and average 1-4 inches. Cuban treefrogs are predators to native treefrogs, lizards, and various invertebrates.